Contract Reporting

Reports from Total Contract Manager (TCM)

The information provided herein is derived from the contract management tool, TCM, and is continually subject to updates/changes. Reports contain listing of contract files that will expire within the next 120 days from the date of the report. 

Pending Contracts

This Excel report contains a listing of contract files for the UNT System, UNT, and UNT-Dallas campuses that are in process and not yet executed (signed). * HSC campus users, for the time being, view the status of pending contracts in TCM at HSC.

NOTE: Agreements are processed on a first-in first-out basis and can take from one day to several weeks to execute, depending on applicable contract approvals, the volume of contracts currently in process, the availability of the University staff to process and the availability of signatories to execute contracts. Requests for Rush/Priority processing will be accommodated on a case-by-case basis.

UNTS/UNTD/UNT/HSC Pending Business Contracts as of 1/2/2025

Expiring Contracts

This Excel report contains a listing of contract files for the UNT System, UNT, and UNT-Dallas campuses that will expire within the next 500 days from the date of the report. Confidential records are excluded from the report. * HSC campus users, for the time being, view the status of pending contracts in TCM at HSC.

For next steps to renew or extend an expiring contract, refer to this UNTS BUSINESS CONTRACT CHECKLIST for CLs.

UNTS/UNTD/UNT/UNTHSC Expiring Business Contracts as of 1/2/2025


Contract Transparency Reports

Pursuant to  Texas Government Code Section 2261.253, the sections below contain lists of contracts that have been signed and deemed executed and Purchase Orders. This information is made available to comply with the state of Texas requirements for transparency in state agency contracting and procurement.


Contracts resultant from Purchase Orders

The information below is made available to comply with the state of Texas requirements for transparency in contracting and procurement.

Current Signed Business Vendor Contracts


  • The Excel reports below contain listings of executed contract files for the UNT System, UNT, UNT Health Science Center and UNT-Dallas campuses.
  • The information provided herein is derived from the contract database and is continually subject to changes/updates.
  • Contracts listed in the links below are within a range greater than $15k.
  • Expired contracts are periodically removed from the list.
  • Copies of contracts provided may be redacted.

For a copy of the contract, click the weblink next to the campus listing. For additional information about any of the contract information listed, please email the UNTS Office of Contract Administration at Department Email: