Travel Card


A new application process was implemented on Monday, May 13th - click here for the announcement

Citibank Centrally Billed Corporate Travel Card

State of Texas Travel cards are the preferred method of payment for individual employee travel. 

  • Allows the Traveler to keep UNT Business Travel expenses separate from personal funds
  • Applying for a Travel Card does not affect the Traveler’s personal credit report
  • Transactions are billed to the University, the traveler does not need to pay a bill
  • Transactions migrate to Concur and can be used to create expenses on an expense report 
  • Converts Foreign currency travel expenses automatically to USD

What can the Travel Card be used for?

The Travel card can be used for all business related expenses while traveling like hotel, ground transportation, meals (if not claiming per diem), airport parking, airfare, and rental car fuel. The travel card is limited to travel merchant codes and should not be used like a general purchasing card.
Conference Registration Fees can be paid on a Travel Card but may be better facilitated on a Purchasing Card due to the merchant code restrictions on a travel card.
The Travel Card can also be used for non-employee guest travel like guest speakers, prospective employee travel, non-employee students. It cannot be used for other employee's travel. Other employees would need to get their own travel card for their own travel expenses.
The Travel Card can be used for local business meals. See the Travel Guidelines for receipt and attendee documentation requirements with Business Meals.

Things the Travel Card SHOULD NOT be used for

  • Meals when Per Diem is being claimed
  • Fuel when using a personal vehicle
  • Other employee's travel
  • Personal items (forgotten toiletries, non-University business essential purchases, etc.)

How to Apply

Please note: The only way to apply for the card is online through Concur.

  1. Complete the Travel Card training program and download the completion certificate
  2. Log into Concur
  3. In the upper left corner, navigate to Requests
  4. Under Request Policy - Choose "Card Action Request"
  5. Complete required fields and submit
  6. Approval workflow is: Submit > Supervisor Approval > Department Budget approval

Detailed Step by Step instructions on applying for a card -

Once your Card Action Request is completely approved, you’ll receive notice of a card ready for pickup within
5-7 business days.

For any questions, please email us at, or call 940.369.5500/Toll-Free: 855.868.4357.