Pcard FAQ

There are two limits for each PCard: single-transaction dollar limit (STDL) and monthly dollar limit. The standard STDL is $5,000 and the standard monthly limit is $25,000.

  • A vendor hold search (VHS) is a vendor status check required by the State of Texas on purchases over $500.
  • Vendor hold searches may be completed up to 7 days prior to a purchase but are not valid if completed post-purchase.
  • Screenshot your VHS results and save this image for your records. This screenshot must be attached to the transaction in Concur along with the receipt and other documentation.
  • Failure to complete and attach the VHS may result in sanctions to your purchasing card account.
The current biling cycle begins on the 4th and runs through the 3rd of the next month.
PCard reports open for submission on the 6th of each month, and you have 3 business days to submit. If the 6th falls on a business day, it is included in the alloted 3 days. Late submission of PCard reports may result in the suspension of your account.
There is no daily dollar limit and no daily transaction limit. You have a single transaction dollar limit (STDL) of $5,000.
  • Concur is the repository for all PCard purchasing documents. All receipts, exception forms, vendor hold searches, and any other relevant purchase documentation should be uploaded to Concur.
  • You are not required to keep hardcopies of receipts after they have been uploaded to Concur, unless required by your department.
  • Your department may have additional record retention policies which should be followed.

You can find your institution’s certificate in the forms library.

Submit exception requests via a Concur Request. Include information such as what you’re buying, why you’re buying it, who you’re buying it for, and the estimated total cost. Lack of sufficient justification may result in a denied or returned request. This request will route to your approver(s) in Concur.

Submit limit increase request via a Concur Request. Include the requested new limit, why this increase is necessary, and the length of time this increase is required. Lack of sufficient justification may result in a denied or returned request. This request will route to your approver(s) in Concur.

Contact Citi Bank Customer Support at 1 (800) 248-4553 immediately regarding all billing issues. All disputed charges should be indicated in the description area of the transaction summary as a “Disputed Charge”. Copies of any documentation must be retained with the original report documentation.

A credit for a returned item should appear on the following month’s statement. Credits must be allocated to the same expense type and Dept ID/Proj ID that was used for the original transaction.

You can find a list of allowable pcard purchases here.

No, purchases may not be split to avoid the bid limit, single transaction limit, or monthly limit.

No, employee travel expenses are prohibited on PCard and must be paid with the appropriate travel credit card or other means. Contact Travel@untsystem.edu for assistance.

No, the Travel Program should be the first avenue in booking university travel. 

  • Chemicals/hazardous materials are restricted purchases on Pcards. Exceptions must be approved by your institution’s Risk Management/Environmental Health and Safety Office prior to purchase on a Pcard.
  • You can contact UNT Risk Management at PcardChemicals@unt.edu and the HSC Risk Team at Safety@unthsc.edu.

No, HEAF funds may never be used for PCard purchases.

No, absolutely no shipments/orders should be sent to personal residences.

Any items offered "free with purchase" or "buy one, get one" become the property of the University and must be used in official business operations.

Yes, but you must submit an exception request in Concur and attach a quote of goods/services to be purchased and a current W-8/W-8BEN for the vendor. The Tax Office must approve the transaction before any payments are made.

Payments through PayPal are allowable only with an approved exception request with the vendor's current W-9 attached. Submit both the exception request and current W-9 via Concur Request.

You can create an Amazon Business Prime account here. For additional resources, visit our Amazon Information  webpage.

You can email us at PCard@untsystem.edu, or call us at 940.369.5550, option 1, option 4.

  • While in your PCard report, select "Manage Requests" from the drop down "Report Details" menu
  • Click "Add"
  • Select the relevant requests
  • Add the request IDs to the relevant PCard transactions

You can sign up for an eShip Global account here by completing the webform at the bottom of the page.

No, short-term financing services are strictly prohibited on both PCard and Travel Cards.

Country club memberships and associated fees are not permitted on PCard or Travel Cards. Country club memberships and fees must be processed via a Payroll Request.

No, hotels and overnight lodging is not allowed on PCard. All travel expenses should be processed via the UNT System Travel Program. 

*Hotel conference room and venue rentals are still allowed on PCard but may be better facilitated on a Travel Card.

Goods and services that require a contract must be processed via a requisition. Clickwraps that do not require signature are still allowed on PCard if they are not IT/Software related.  Please visit the Office of Contract Administration website for more information.