The UNT System travel office manages business travel and reimbursement (Travel & Non-Travel reimbursements) for faculty and staff at each of the UNT System components. Travel pre-approval, booking, and Expense Reporting/Reimbursement is facilitated through Concur. Non-travel reimbursements are also facilitated through Concur. Explore the links below for more information, training, and resources.
The UNT System Travel Guide (printer friendly download) is provided as a resource for travel advance planning, transportation, and reconciling after returning from travel.
Helpful Tips
Where do I start?
- Start early!
- As soon as you know you'll have a need to travel on University business travel, start planning and get your pre-trip travel Concur Request submitted and approved.
- Take the Travel Card training and then apply for a travel card.
- Utilize the checklist and tips below.
- Explore the Travel Training and Concur Resource page links above.
- Explore the sidebar links on this page.
Travel Checklist
All faculty, staff, and students travelling on official University travel can use this optional checklist to help you plan, conduct, and report expenses. Download this checklist as soon as you know you may be traveling. Travel Checklist
UNTHSC Travel Tips
- Travel Checklist for all Faculty, Staff, and Students (Other than Student Government/Organization Sponsored Travel).
- For HSC Student Government/Organization Sponsored Travel, email or contact your organization's Tresasurer.
Identifying Documentation Reminder
Ensure that passports and/or State issued driver's licenses are active. Expired identifying documentation can lead to delays with security checkpoints at airports. In some cases, a Texas driver's license can be renewed online. Go to to check eligibility and to renew.
Are You Real ID Ready?
Beginning May 7, 2025, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security will officially begin enforcing the REAL ID Act of 2005. This means that a traditional driver’s license will no longer be accepted through airport security and all Americans will be required to present REAL ID-compliant identification to go through airport security and enter federal facilities. HOMELAND SECURITY REAL ID WEBSITE
Conference Travel Reminder
All conference travel should include the conference agenda attached showing the daily schedule in general and any meals included. Meals included should not be reimbursed and that portion reduced from any per diem received. It is not necessary to send the entire conference booklet, just the pages showing the schedule at a glance.