Supplier Management

The Supplier Management team is here to assist with onboarding and maintaining vendors and individuals who receive payment through the Procurement Office. The Supplier Management team acts as an information resource for both departments issuing payments and the vendors receiving those payments. This setup can be for a requisition in PeopleSoft and ePro, a reimbursement request in Concur, or any other payment outside of the Payroll Office.

Per section 11 Distribution of Supplier Payments in the Procurement Regulation, all supplier payments are required to be in electronic form. The Procurement Office will not issue paper checks to a payee. If your vendor will not accept payment in the form of a Pcard or electronic payment, we will not be able to do business with that vendor.

UNT System's Partnership with PaymentWorks

PaymentWorks SSO:

UNT System has partnered with PaymentWorks, a third-party vendor onboarding and maintenance tool. With PaymentWorks, departments can now act as “Initiators” and send PaymentWorks registration invitations directly to their vendors before every submitting a payment request.

  • Invitations can be sent at any time before a requisition is ever submitted
  • Creates greater efficiency for payment
  • Reduces efforts and time required for vendors to distribute new payment information
  • Automatically routes PaymentWorks vendor updates to PeopleSoft once approved by Supplier Management
  • Decreases fraud risk by validating vendor information before payment is issued

Download the PaymentWorks Initiator Role

Download the PaymentWorks Vendor Guide

When to Utilize PaymentWorks

PaymentWorks is to be used any time a payment is made through the Procurement Office instead of Payroll. The two most common vendor setup processes are below.

**Note that the Pcard process is unaffected by this change in Supplier Management processing**

Requisition/Payment Request Form:

The Initiator must receive a “Payee Onboarding Complete” email from PaymentWorks before submitting a Requisition or Payment Request Form. PaymentWorks is used for both companies and individual persons receiving payment from the Procurement Office.

  1. Initiator sends PaymentWorks invitation
  2. Vendor completes PaymentWorks registration
  3. PaymentWorks reviews registration
  4. Supplier Management reviews and approves PaymentWorks registration
  5. Initiator receives a “Payee Onboarding Complete” email from PaymentWorks which will include the Vendor Number
  6. Initiator submits ePro requisition 

Brainfuse screenshot

Concur Reimbursements (Non-Employees):

Concur Reimbursements (Non-Employees):
The Initiator must receive a “Payee Onboarding Complete” email from PaymentWorks before a non-employee Concur Profile set up is requested.

  1. Initiator sends PaymentWorks invitation
  2. Payee completes PaymentWorks registration
  3. PaymentWorks reviews registration
  4. Supplier Management reviews and approves PaymentWorks registration
  5. Initiator receives a “Payee Onboarding Complete” email from PaymentWorks which will include the Vendor Number
  6. Initiator completes non-employee Concur Profile Setup and includes Vendor Number

Brainfuse screenshot 2

Employee Payments:

If an active UNT employee (at any campus/business unit) is being paid through the Procurement Office using one of the above processes, PaymentWorks will not be used. Instead, make sure that the employee has updated their Direct Deposit information and address information in their HR profile. This can be updated using the link below. Failure to provide up-to-date address and banking information will result in delayed payment.

Helpful Tips:

  • Before sending an invite please search by ‘Vendor Name’ under ‘Onboarding Tracker’ first to avoid sending duplicate invites to different people. Try to limit only one invite per vendor. If they do not have an PaymentWorks account under that email or did not create one yet (under ‘Account Info’) you should be able to re-send the original invite instead of sending new one and you can change the email. If you are unable to re-send- contact PaymentWorks support.
  • After you send an invite if they have a PaymentWorks account already under that email it will automatically jump to ‘Email Verified’ and you should see Account Info.
  • PaymentWorks automatically sends reminder emails for every invite so if re-sending an invite to a new person, be sure to ‘Disable Reminders’ for the old invite or else they will keep getting reminders to complete.
  • If you’ve noticed the invitation in Paymentworks, has had no activity you may send an email to the supplier incase the invite went to their spam folder or they disregarded.
  • If a vendor is having issues during the process please instruct them to contact PaymentWorks Customer Support as they have background viewing capabilities we do not have to better instruct them. Anyone can submit a ticket, you do not need access to PaymentWorks or a PaymentWorks account to submit a support ticket. 

What all do you need to send an invite?

  1. Vendor name (for companies use business name not person who you are sending to unless it is for a payment to an individual)
  2. Contact email- PaymentWorks account or whoever can complete whole process (vendor can add users to their account)
  3. Description of goods and services- reference invoice #, quote # etc.
  4. Initiator Department- Department name sending invite
  5. Initiator Phone Number- Phone number of Department sending invite
  6. Reason for inviting supplier drop down- Product, Service or Product and Service