FY2022 UNTS Procurement Year-End Deadline Calendar

The following deadlines apply to ALL UNT Campuses. University’s Accounting rules and fiscal year-end requirements mandate that we report all activity as of August 31.

Helpful Hints

  • Requisition Information – to expedite the processing of your FY22 requisition, please include the following information in the Requesters Justification/Comments
Yes Department Contact Full Name, Phone Number, Email Address
Yes Vendor Contact (Sales) Full Name, Phone Number, Email Address
Yes Vendor Contact (Supplier Management) Full Name, Phone Number, Email Address
Yes Email Address for PO Where is the purchase order to be sent?
Yes Procurement Method Type of procurement unless non-biddable
Yes Business Purpose Why is it being purchased?
Yes Service Dates Dates of service or goods received


  • Attach all documentation to Requisitions, including quotes, forms, existing contracts and/or the previous PO number to the requisition.
  • Forward any outstanding and unpaid invoices to invoices@untsystem.edu immediately for processing.
  • If goods or services have been received, please complete the Desktop Receiver in a timely manner.
  • Purchases under $5000 should be paid via P-Card.
  • Using FY22 Funds - Goods/services should be expected to be received prior to August 31, 2022.
  • Strategic Sourcing Team - Our team will approach every request for service with the intent to get the department what they need in the most expedited time frame possible.
  • Contracts/Agreements – Please allow ample time for processing.

If you have any questions regarding Budget, please contact your campus or department budget Officer.

Campus Budget Office Contacts;

Criteria for Requisition entered prior to September 1 for FY23

  • FY23 Budget has to be approved by the Board, prior to loading in PeopleSoft
  • FY23 Requisitions must include a Budget Date of 09/01/2022
  • Please add the following statement “for delivery and invoicing after 09/01/22.

Friday, July 15


  • Requisition Change Orders for FY22 must be received by 5:00pm.
  • Requisitions of $25,000 or less using FY22 funds must be created and approved by 5:00pm.


  • UNSIGNED Contracts/Agreements submitted through requisitions, using FY22 funds that involve signature authority, must have appropriate documents attached to the requisition and be submitted by 5:00pm.
  • Agreements requiring signature(s) for goods to be received by August 31 must be submitted by 5:00pm.

Monday, July 18


  • AP Voucher Corrections for FY22 must be received by Accounts Payable by 5:00pm.

Monday, August 1


  • Goods/services should be expected to be received prior to August 31, 2022 or the Requisition will need to be created reflecting a FY23 budget date (09/01/2022).

Friday, August 12


  • AP Invoices using FY22 funds must be received by Accounts Payable by 5:00pm.
  • All USAS Documents for vendor payments must be entered and released or in “P” (Payment) status by 5:00pm.

Wednesday, August 17


  • Concur Expense Reimbursements using FY22 funds must be in “Approved and in Accounting Review” status by 5:00pm.

Friday, September 9


  • P-Card data entry into Concur for August Transactions (dated August 4 thru September 3) using FY22 funds must be completed and submitted to “Approved and in Accounting Review” status by 5:00pm.
  • P-Card Statement Reports can be submitted as early as Monday, August 29th. Please note that any transactions received and posted after the early statement report submission will create an additional statement report for the same period and would require submission by the Friday, September 9th deadline.

* Please note that P-Card purchases made August 29-31 may not post during the FY22 billing period.

Saturday, September 10

PO Roll

  • Process begins

Your efforts to meet the above deadlines are greatly appreciated. We encourage you to prepare and process documents as early as possible to avoid year-end crunch!

For additional assistance, please contact: