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You have requested to enter the Bond Holder Information section ("Section") of The University of North Texas System ("UNT System"). Documents within this Section set forth certain information regarding the UNT System, including but not limited to information provided to satisfy the UNT System's undertakings under continuing disclosure agreements with holders of the UNT System's bonds. This Section does not purport to include every item that may be of interest with respect to any of the UNT System's bonds and/or notes. The information contained in each document within this Section speaks only as of the date thereof and the UNT System expressly disclaims any duty to provide an update of any document contained in this Section. The information and documents in this Section are provided for informational purposes only, and must not be considered to be an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any securities of the UNT System in any jurisdiction, which offer or solicitation may only be made by an official statement or other offering document. Copies of the documents referred to herein may be obtained from:
The University of North Texas System - Office of Finance
1901 Main Street
Dallas, Texas 75201
The UNT System's website and documents referenced in this Section contain statements that, to the extent they are not recitations of historical fact, may constitute "forward-looking statements." In this respect, the words "estimate," "project," "anticipate," "expect," "intend," "believe" and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. A number of important factors affecting the UNT System's business and financial results could cause actual results to differ materially from those stated in the forward-looking statements. The Office of Finance maintains the Bond Holder Information Section; however, this Section may include hyperlinks to other parts of the UNT System's website and to websites maintained or controlled by others. The Office of Finance is not responsible for and does not routinely screen, approve, review or endorse the contents of these websites.
By clicking on "I Agree," each viewer acknowledges that (a) the UNT System is not, by providing the documents, offering to sell any securities, nor soliciting an offer to buy any securities, (b) such documents will not be construed by the viewer as any description of the UNT System or its affairs at any time subsequent to the date of such documents nor will the viewer assume from the availability of such documents on this website that the affairs of the UNT System have not been changed since the date of such documents and (c) because the information contained in such documents may be out of date or incomplete, they must not be relied upon in connection with any decision to purchase or sell any securities of the UNT System.
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